Saturday, November 03, 2007



今天爸爸妈妈去参加安白的家长会,15 min.

Ms Olga又讲了安白在学校与John在教室里疯玩,不守纪律的事情。对付调皮男孩颇有经验的Ms Lucy都抱怨了。上课主要还是practical life skill 的培养. 数学是在数1-10的数。英文在学a, b, t, n, s, c 的发音。爸爸妈妈从老师的话里感觉到安白的进步比较慢。安白听不懂老师的话是一个大障碍。 爸爸妈妈的语言能力都差,希望安白这方面从爸爸妈妈身上遗传少一点。妈妈给安白读的书大多是中文的,从现在起也许该给他多读点英文书了。

对安白最近社交的困扰, 妈妈咨询了老师。刚开学时安白有两个好朋友,5岁的Brant 和4岁的John. 最近安白居然说他没有好朋友,只有卖火柴的小女孩才是他的好朋友, 他很想念在Kindercare 的好朋友Eric 和 Max。 他也跟妈妈说没关系的,他就一个人玩。老师说并没有感觉到安白与其他小孩相处有何问题。老师说Brant 现在确实不太和安白玩了,因为他比较大,开始学更多东西了,所以和安白小不点上同一种课的时间就少了, 另外Brant是下午3:00, 大概安白午觉起来就回家了。安白曾经跟妈妈抱怨他的好朋友早早回家,妈妈算是明白了。 另外安白和John在一起就是Trouble maker, 老师也故意拆散安白和John, 所以安白会觉得John也不和他玩了。




Shihwei said...
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Shihwei said...

During the short meeting with Miss Olga, Wenlei expressed her concern about Anbo's lunch since Anbo sometimes did not even touch his lunch at all. Miss Orga explained that it is OK and assured that we should not worry about it.

Miss Orga then congratulated me for having such a good wife because foods in Anbo's lunch box were excellent. I said nothing but smiled. Wenlei said nothing either but took the praise plainly.

Afterwards, I asked Wenlei, instead of taking the praise, why not telling the teacher that it is Anbo's Father who prepared Anbo's excellent lunch boxes.

Wenlei replied she did not recall that Miss Orga praised at all.