妈妈要求了一个家长会与Ms Olga谈安白的表现。
Dear Ms Olga,
I am Anbo Li’s mom. My name is Wenlei Jiang. I am
writing to you to see if I can schedule a conference
with you before the official conference day.
Thanks for your flyers of Room 1 News and Look at my
lessons. Via these newsletters I got some ideas about
what’s going on in the classroom. Furthermore, I want
to know in detail about how Anbo is doing in the past
Anbo mentioned to me that he liked all the teachers in
Room 1 and wanted to go school everyday. I am very
thankful to you that with your help he can adjust to
the new environment so quick and well. In the
meantime, I noticed that sometimes he felt frustrated
about not knowing what or how to do at class. I would
like to know his classroom behavior and see what I can
do to help him adapt to the Montessori program
If the conference can be done via the phone, any time
should be fine with me. You can just email me back
the time you prefer. If you do not have time to
schedule a conference, you can just drop me a few
words by email.
Thanks for your help.
星期四早晨8:30-9:00,妈妈与Ms Olga交流了半个小时。果不出妈妈所料,Ms Olga 说安白刚进幼儿园以为只是来have fun with a bounch of kids. 在教室里大闹天宫,疯跑, 老师不得不把他与他的玩伴拆开, 罚他们在教室的两头静坐。另外安白也不会主动去学课程,东游西逛觉得没人和他玩。Motessori的学生大多是自己或一个小组独立做一些事情。老师认为他年龄小也没有太强迫他。最近安白似乎好一点啦。
妈妈问安白在学校是否害羞。老师说就前几分钟害羞, 一会儿就好了。他有好几个朋友,5 岁的Brant, 4岁的John, 4岁的Car...(?), 都是男孩子。
老师强调要培养安白的独立性,从穿衣穿鞋这样的生活琐事做起。关于学习,妈妈现在不用额外教他什么。我告诉老师安白洗完澡睡衣睡裤一般是自己穿,早晨为节约时间一般是爸爸妈妈替他穿。安白在家里很喜欢和爸爸妈妈读书,听故事, 但自己玩的能力稍差一些。 安白的独立性确实有待提高。
另外妈妈希望Ms Olga能协助改掉安白吸手指的坏习惯。Ms Olga 想要在圣诞节左右安白更熟悉学校环境后再work on it.