星期一(08/27/07)上学第一天,妈妈带安白去学校。 爸爸妈妈都有点紧张呢,看爸爸妈妈的对话:
Shih-wei Li 说: how was Anbo doing this morning ?
Wenlei Jiang 说: Not bad.
Shih-wei Li 说: I hope Anbo will be happy when he comes home. The first day is the most important day for him. I think he will make it.
Wenlei Jiang 说: He is shy and doesn't want me to leave at first. The teacher is good at redirecting. The teacher took him to pick up grass and feed a guine pig. So he happily said goodbye to me and went to see the guinea pig.
Shih-wei Li 说: Good, a cute animal is good for little kids. From this, I agree with you that teachers there are very good. I hope Anbo will learn 'good behaviours'.
果然安白第一天高高兴兴的回家了,老师说他几乎无任何不适应,午觉倒头就睡了。 The guinea pig saves the day.
星期二,三,四,五,安白坐上车就嚷着要去Kindercare, 不去ice cream 学校(安白对The Franklin school 的别称), 爸妈东扯西说到达The Franklin school后他也乖乖的下车跟着老师进教室了。星期五接他时老师说他有新朋友了, she is very proud of him。可是问安白他却说没有新朋友。每天问安白做了些什么, 他总说没做什么。 爸妈有注意到安白的一些变化呢:
- 开开心心的哼着新歌。
- 表演金鸡独立, 螃蟹,龙虾走路给我们看。
- 说新道理给我们听:“Food is not toy. Food cannot be shared."
- 带回一幅贴纸画,告诉我们是Great Wall, China.
- 喜欢学校的老师。
第一周给安白带的主要是米饭,紫菜卷类食物。一天安白回家说:"妈妈,小朋友说我的饭yucky, 我想吃Sandwich.” Peer pressure (同伴压力)这么早就来了。
妈妈:安白, 你觉得你的饭好吃吗?
妈妈:那你就要告诉小朋友你的饭好吃,yummy yummy, 你要全部吃光光,表现出很好吃的样子。
第二周安白还是很想念Kindercare的好朋友,但上学时比较少吵闹了。星期四回家的路上居然主动告诉我他有一个新朋友了, 他的名字叫Ron.
爸爸妈妈很开心,安白适应新学校很快,快过他从Kindercare 两岁班转到三岁班。Anbo, Good luck with your new journey!