Wednesday, May 30, 2007


安白为了能早日当救火队员,最近猛灌牛奶。爸爸怕他喝太多了,适得其反,想方设法,希望能让傻小子一日只三饮。鉴于前计“萝卜神”奏效,爸爸又讲了个“小白”的故事。为了取信傻小子,爸爸又画了小白的“写真”。目前看来,似乎管用。傻小子似乎以为真的有“喝太多牛奶的小白”。安白觉得小白不好看,自动要求正常吃饭,一天只喝三次牛奶。 --爸爸
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Monday, May 28, 2007

05/27/07 有朋自远方来

Boating at Black hill regional park


Sunday, May 27, 2007





安白是一个天真的小孩, 很好骗。
最近喜欢救火员和棒球队员。救火员和棒球队员喝牛奶。安白就开始拼命喝牛奶, 不再要果汁。




Sunday, May 13, 2007

Happy Mother's day!


Today is Mother's day. Everyone did something special and had a good time.

Anbo made a mother's day card for Mommy. Mommy suggested to go to the Zoo to celebrate Mother's day.Daddy prepared a special breakfast for mommy, a bowl of instant noodle, something daddy used to forbid mommy from eating. Daddy, the to-be iron chef, also made another batch of kaiser rolls for picnic at the zoo. The horses like grass( "vegetable")
Orange Utan (Ape) also likes grass (vegetables).

The monkey is looking for something.
Watch sealion
Climb the bearBored lion

Anbo's Saturday 05/12/07

We have a fancy newly-built Germantown Library. Every week Shihwei borrows a lot of goodies, especially for Anbo's, from the library.
This Saturday morning I started to take Anbo to participate story time. Anbo seemed enjoying it and I myself also learned several new words during the half-hour story time. After that, Anbo and I spent the morning reading books together.

Anbo likes to read and below were the books he selected for himself for the coming week.
In the afternoon, Anbo rode the bicycle with training wheels. He rides OK now, though sometimes too cautious. I told him to be careful with the cars when riding across the street. After that, he stopped riding across the street by himself and always asked for my company. I need do something different now.
Look at Anbo's hair. Mommy did the haircut. Not bad, right?

Sunday, May 06, 2007

Anbo's dream role when he is 34 month old

Now Anbo is dreaming to become a baseball player.

He is preparing himself full steam for it.


  • He likes to wear pants/shirts with baseball pictures on them.
  • He jogs with mommy because he knows baseball players need routine exercises.
  • He eats vegetables to gain strength to be able to run as fast as horse.
  • He eats carrots to have bright eyesight.
  • He practices toy baseball with daddy in clumsy living room.
  • He even tried play baseball video game with adults, a big step for a shy boy at this moment. (somehow Anbo becomes shy after two and half year old.)
Mom helps Anbo record his dream.


小安末现在13个月多一点,在重庆舅舅外婆家。 妈妈记下来外婆电话里唠叨的一岁多的调皮小安末, 也附上安白哥哥同时期的纪录。



小安末比安白会走路早一点点,现在已走得很好。一天至少出去玩两次, 总是自己走,不愿意别人牵手。出门前问“想出去玩的人举手!” 安末就会举手, 接着用手bye bye,急着出去。有时大人没准备带他出去,他就会扯着大人的衣角往门口拉。手还指指地上的鞋,让大人换掉拖鞋,穿出门的鞋。不带他出去就会耍赖,发脾气。家里的阿姨最宠他,他就最爱去找阿姨下手。


舅舅说安末比安白调皮多了,吃饭时把桌子的旋转盘转来转去。安白那时候可是乖乖的坐在椅子上的。Skype 视频电话时,就看见安末脚不停,手不住的,手一会儿按键盘,一会儿开关台灯。 安末也不喜欢看书,书翻翻就丢了。舅舅可记得当初安白认真看书的样子。安末有一点和安白象的,Baby Einstein DVD 放完了,都会嚷嚷着换片。 舅舅对安末的现状深感危机,已经给外婆发出警告要对安末进行严加管教了。


舅妈说,安末太可爱了,和安白不一样的可爱。 小心安末回美国欺负安白。

安白可是很想弟弟的,总是问“我们怎么没带弟弟回来呢”?“我要坐飞机回重庆接弟弟”。“舅舅不乖, 我说接弟弟回来,他就说不要不要。我很不高兴。”

爸爸妈妈也好想安末, 这个从在妈妈肚子里就被忽略的宝贝,现在就让外婆宠一宠吧,回来再被管制吧。妈妈打电话回重庆,安末都会跑过来接电话,电话按个不停。妈妈问安末会讲话了吗? 外婆说快了快了,有时会babaaaa, Mamaaaaaaa,,好久了都还没快出来。

九月快快到吧,新房子就会ready, 妈妈就可以把调皮的安末接回家了。



Today is Anbo's 1 year birthday!!! Congratulations!

Anbo spent about two and half month in Chongqing and Taipei (9 month – 12 month old). Anbo grow up a lot in the past two months.

When his name (gogo) is called, he would answer loudly and sweetly in Chinese “ehhhhhhhh”, making Grandpa/ma, Uncle/Auntie smiled greatly. When he is asked “how old are you” in Chinese, he will raise his point finger to tell you he is one. He also started playing Peekpoo game with his grandma by hiding his face behind curtains and then coming out.

When Anbo is back to US, we found he can speak some Chinese. He can speak”妈妈不要“,“妈妈抱”,”dian”. We celebrated his 1 year birthday and had "抓周“ for him. In chinese tradition, we have the baby to pick up one thing among a lot of representative items for different professions. The thing he picked up may tell what his future will be. Anbo picked up ping pong paddle and wrench.


My dear baby, today mom found out that you were with mom now. Mom is kind of expecting it, but also a lit bit surprised.

People always say that parents pay less attention to the second baby. Mom doesn’t want to be that way. So Mom tries to do something she did not do when brother Anbo is with Mommie. She will try to record her feeling about a little life in her body and present this to both of you as a gift.


Mom doesn’t know if you are a boy or a girl. Mom does want a baby girl. Mom already had a name for you, Anmo. Mom checked the calender and you will come out in March, 2006. You will be a doggie.


Anbo has been in daycare for 1 week. The teacher said he was adjusting very well. When Shihwei drops him off in the morning, he will play with the other kids right away. Only in the afternoon, when most kids were picked up by parents, he will feel sad. The first day when I picked him up, he cried and said “ Mommom…….” and crawled toward me. After I held him, he turned around and waved his hands to the teachers. He knows it’s time to say goodbye and go home.

After I know Anmo is coming, I decided to have Anbo sleep with us on the same bed at night. He is like a caterpillar, move around, stand up and down before he can finally calm down and fall asleep. He is really an adorable baby. I am afraid I cannot give him enough love before Anmo arrives.


Anbo had his first fever after birth. He still played around and had good appetite. However, runny and stuffed nose make him somewhat uncomfortable.


Anbo skipped his school today and stayed at home with dad. Nowadays he had some problems going to daycare. In the morning, when daddy dropped him off, he cried and crawled toward shihwei, which makes daddy sad.


Anbo can walk several steps though not steady. We went to NYC with relatives on Sunday.

Grandpa missed Anbo to death. When he saw Anbo again, he was so excited.


Anbo can walk now. About 10 steps. He walks very carefully and quite stable. He had another fever and stuffy nose. Second times in a row.

We went to Jessica’s birthday party. At the party, we found Anmo is very likely to be a girl.


Today I stay at home to take care of Anbo. After milk, I put Anbo on high chair for some cheerios while I am having my breakfast (milk and bagels). Anbo is interested in bagels, so I give him some pieces. Later on Anbo feed me his cheerios. He did this some time ago. However, this time he is very diligent, more intentionally. After I had his cheerios, he smiled a lot. I really love him, my sweetheart.


Recently (about 1 week ago) Anbo learned the hand sign (give me a five). Gloria at Kangroo kids day care center taught him. Also, he knows to speak flower in Chinese (hua). Sometime he points to flowers in the garden or flower illustration in the book and say flower. I am surprised to see how fast he starts to pick up some Chinese words.

Anmo, how are you doing inside Mom’s belly? Somehow mom doesn’t gain any weight, but lose weight recently, probably because of your naughty brother making Mom exercise too much. Mom is worried if you get enough nutrients inside. Last and this weekend, mom ate a lot in buffet restaurants, plenty of proteins. Hope you also enjoy the big meals.

Today we went to old Navy to buy some clothes for Anbo. Anbo wandered in the store and giggled around. He is not afraid of getting lost at all.

Anbo's April 2007

Summer is coming.

Anbo's portrait at Kindercare 2 year class, 2007