Wednesday, December 27, 2006
Christmas party and shopping
Gifts from Santa
Picture with Santa
An old kid played with little ones.
Anmo played with Eric.
Christmas time at NYC
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
Anmo' daily
11 月回国两个半星期,安顿好爸爸的事就赶回美国了。爸爸恢复的还不错,放心了不少。回国前后周末都加班,这个周末终于不用加班了。好好轻松一下。
11 月初小安末早上五六点会从大床上自己溜下来, 爬到门边玩挡门的,巴拉巴拉吵醒妈妈。
12 月的第一个星期,安末就发烧三天,胃口睡觉都不好,到了周末全身起红疹子,原来是玫瑰疹。疹子起了,烧就退了。之后就是鼻涕,咳嗽。安白哥哥是一岁后才得的玫瑰疹,最近(两岁多了)才得的中耳炎。 可怜的小安末一岁前都照单全收了。
最近小安末爬的技术突飞猛进, 可以从一楼爬到二楼,爬到顶后很开心,大功告成信心满满的。
小安末对baby Einstein 不象哥哥那么有兴趣,看电视的时候经常骚扰专心的哥哥,或是玩弄录放影机和遥控器。安白哥哥小时后看baby Einstein很专心, 我们讲话太大声影响他了,他就会转过头来喔喔叫着抗议。
小安末爱吃小鱼稀饭,没有鱼的就吃得慢。喝奶还是6,7 ounces, 喝的时候手会来拨弄妈妈的鼻子嘴巴。最近开始吃cheerios, 自己一颗颗拿着吃的很香。
小安末动得很厉害,换尿布翻身,洗澡站起来, 每次都是一场战斗。安白哥哥八个月时还不会爬,老实多了,叫他抬腿换尿布就抬腿。
Sunday, December 17, 2006
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
Since I had to work last Sunday, we did not plan any activity last weekend.
Anmo had his first tooth when he was about 5 month old. These two days he had his upper front right tooth come out, so he used his new tooth to bite his bottom lip, trying to get used to his new part.
This morning Anmo held crib border to stand up and look down the floor. We have to watch this little one more carefully.
What does Anmo dislike most?
Anmo doesn’t like his nose being wiped most.
Who is the one Anmo pays most attention?
Daddy is the one Anmo monitors continuously.
Whose chin Anmo likes to bite most?
Mom’s chin. So did his brother Anbo.
Anbo can speak some English and sing quite some songs now, though he cannot remember all the lyrics. Here is the list:
- Head, shoulders, knees and toes
- Twinkle, twinkle little star
- A, B, C
- Walking, Walking,Walking,
- Old Macdonald had a farm
- Happy birthday to you (Chinese)
- 一二三四五六七,我的朋友在哪里?
- Row, Row, Row your boat, gently down the stream
- Who is wearing red today… red today
- Yes sir, Yes sir
Finally, Anbo can recite “静夜诗。“